What do you see today?

God spent six days creating the world - sun, moon, plants, animals, man and He rested on the seventh, beholding all that He had created as perfect. He was so detailed & meticulous in His creation to capture all that man needed to survive and then gave man dominion over all.

By creation, we are first spiritual beings before our physical manifestation, our spirit gives life to our physical body. Little wonder, it is often said that all things are created twice (first in our thoughts, before physically creating them). One of the attributes we took after God is the art of creating. We are co-creators with God. He gave us trees, but with creativity man has gone on to create furniture from it. God gave us steel, but man has also gone on to build ships, vehicles, machineries etc. from it.

The architect who is saddled with designing a building first pictures it in his mind before he/she proceeds to design. The question then that we need to answer today is, What are we using the gift of visualisation or thoughts to create? As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The first and original part of anything is in the thought. It gets even more interesting here, because this gift of imagination can be used for both good & evil, depending on who is putting it to use. We have a responsibility to ourselves to reach inside of us to produce fruits that are capable of revolutionizing our immediate world and external environment at large. What do you see of yourself?

When a man builds a football stadium, he builds not necessarily because he has seen the crowd physically yet, but he builds in anticipation because he has seen the crowd in his mind. God spoke all creation into existence in Gen. 1, but unfortunately many of us stop there. Genesis 2:8-9 records God physically planting. Some things will need us to speak life to them, but others will need us to physically act. Talk on one hand, but also do on the other, for both to eventually align together. The circumstances around us may not necessarily agree with what we have in mind most of the time, but we have this to always remember: When God spoke about creation, the earth was without form. God saw dust, but also saw man being created from it.

What do you see today?


  1. So true, we really have to walk in the consciousness of our spiritual being, and ensure we are not negating what we are building in the physical with our thoughts and words 🙌🙌


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